As we ring out 2012 which had its share of success and tribulation in cloud computing. We can ring in 2013 as the year Cloud Computing will transform into an everyday utility like electricity. The Cloud will cease to be a novelty or a laboratory, it is for real and it has proved it can deliver reliably in 2012 despite the pessimists who kept picking on every cloud disruption rather then seeing the totality of the benefits. 2013 will be the year when the cloud will be the utility that transform and drives the economy in a tough and recessionary year. There will be large cloud utilities formed by merger and acquisition of fragmented cloud server providers and we we will have companies like Microsoft, HP, Dell, IBM, Cisco, EMC embracing the cloud for their survival and relevance in the technology landscape. More then 250 companies in the Fortune 500 can move to the cloud today based on their nature of their business and focus on gro...
This blog offers a ride into cloud computing and business.