Europe has blown the War Bugle, they will build their own EU clouds and secure their data and applications within the boundaries of Europe. The Rest of the World will also follow suit in building their own Secure clouds for their business, government and anything else that needs cloud computing. The Gold Rush is on for Secure Clouds built bottom up, it is going to be a bonanza for leaders who offer virtualisation solutions like VMWare and its competition including Microsoft Azure & others, Data Center Equipment hardware providers IBM, DELL, HP and CISCO and others. The marketing teams in these companies that provide the building material for cloud computing are going to be busy and laughing all the way to the bank. Their fears of the cheap Public Cloud will be history and no longer a challenge to their growth and revenues. Secure Clouds in the Horizon will herald the demise of Public Clouds. The cloud pundits who understand how to put together a cloud computing...
This blog offers a ride into cloud computing and business.