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Sony's Security Breach is a Great Opportunity for Apple in the Cloud; will Apple make a bid for Microsoft ?

There were a few articles which stated that Sony's security breach highlighted the security risks of using the cloud. Somehow I just could not see the connection between an unsecured Sony data center and the Cloud which is run like a secure fortress. 
First my take on who gets affected by the disruptive cloud computing technology:
a. First are the companies who build data centers,companies who supply the racks, the power  equipment, the cooling equipment,  the cables, the storage boxes, the servers, fire fighting equipment, cameras, special alarms and other material  used for building data centers and finally the architects. Oops that is a large number of people who may be made redundant by the cloud or at least will need to learn to build and sustain mega data centers required for cloud computing.
b. The companies who lease/rent/sell the real estate for  data centers will have to find other uses for their buildings as cloud computing data  centers move to colder locations to save on energy.
c. Companies who are employed as Data Center specialists and also a large number of contractors who supply various skills for managing and monitoring data centers.
d. Companies who make software solutions to support COBIT,ITIL, ISO standards, help desk and call center management, server management and network and environment management and a whole lot of other stuff to keep the Data center humming.
That is quite a long list of affected people, plus auditors who get paid to do audits and a host of other consultants whose bread and butter is linked to building and sustaining data centers.
The list of affected people is large and and hence the obvious solution is keep attacking the cloud with FUD (fear/uncertainty/doubt)  by linking every cyber security related event with the cloud even if it has nothing do with the cloud .
The strategy is to create substantial news until people begin to believe that the cloud is the most insecure place to do computing on earth and an environment  invented in Hollywood by the directors of sci fi movies.

If only Sony had moved to the cloud the  benefits would have been :
a. If there was a security breach the cloud service provider would have been liable and not Sony. Sony would have come unscathed from the security episode.  Brand Value containment.
b. Sony would have had a smaller IT team  if it had decided to migrate to the cloud and this team could have focused on Kai zen.
c. Sony could have focused on its core competence of making world class PlayStation's rather then worrying about the security of its data center if it had moved to the cloud.
e. Finally Sony would have saved substantial cost if it had migrated to the cloud and could have used the money elsewhere in its business.

Here is my conclusion of the changes that may happen after the Sony security breach.
An old and loved American company named Apple will take on Sony by leveraging on  Cloud Computing.
Apple will become the biggest  player in the computing space by using the cloud to deliver content, media and games and also secure and reliable business solutions.
Apple has got the best endpoint devices in the world, the networks anyway is a commodity and ruled by the telcos, what is left is the distribution space where Apple already has done substantial work. By moving to the cloud Apple will reduce its cost, improve its security posture and also will focus its energies on building better media, games and applications for its end point devices
Apple will start by acquiring business solutions companies and Apple will migrate these solutions to its own computing platform and offer its customers a superior computing experience which will differentiate it from its competitors . There is a distinct possibility that Apple may make a bid for Microsoft; we will have to wait and watch.

Make way for the Future Leader of Computing in the Cloud

Disclosure : I do not own any Apple stocks and neither can afford any of the Apples devices 
I could not resist using Apples logo on this article and acknowledge that all rights on this logo are vested with Apple computers USA 


  1. Apple has the bandwidth potential to accomplish what you state but it has yet to reach a critical mass to be able to achieve all this. I think the future of cloud adoption relies heavily on how the known and not-so-known companies, collaborate and build on each others strenghts - security, networking, killer apps, business solutions, communication options etc.

    The age old adage of "you are as secure and effective as your weakest link" applies to cloud as well.

  2. Making a statement of Apple bidding for Microsft seems bold and unthinkable in the current context.
    Microsoft has now acquired Skype.
    If an investment banker can make the valuation and feasibility for such a deal it will wonderful.
    (Plan to give this as a project to my students when the academic term begins,will share the students conclusions in this blog)
    Apple seems to be hitting well and making all the bases quarter on quarter, while Microsoft seems to be pitching at expensive takeovers which do not add value to its business or bottom line.
    What will Microsoft do when its war chest runs out, get acquired by a suitor.
    Wall Street is not kind when companies do not sustain performance and innovation;it will be the street which will make the merger happen.
    It will be live a David and Goliath, here David (Apple) has the innovation and Goliath (Microsoft) has the money power.


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